PG电子APP offers several minor options to complement your health care degree. The following minors are offered entirely online, year-round and on a part-time or full-time basis.


The minor in 医疗编码 provides the fundamental knowledge needed to understand the complex health care revenue cycle and application of medical codes.

This 18-credit hour minor is designed for individuals who want to gain an understanding of how the revenue cycle and coding processes work in hospitals, 诊所, medical offices or insurance companies. Coursework prepares students with the medical billing and coding classification systems currently being used in the field.


The minor in 医疗信息 provides the fundamental knowledge in the subject areas of health care information systems and data analytics.

The 19-credit hour program addresses the resources and methods for managing health information. Successful completion of the minor grants you the ability to apply knowledge in clinical data standards, 术语的系统, 数据交换, 安全和隐私, as well as the analytical and input skills to serve an integral member of your health information team.


The minor in 公共卫生 explores effective practices and disease prevention tactics crucial to the fields of public policy, research and population health sciences.

The 21-credit hour minor is ideal for current health practitioners or other individuals interested in obtaining knowledge about public health concepts to enhance their career goals. After successful completion of the program, you will be knowledgeable in the areas of disease prevention, 健康促进, social and behavioral aspects of disease prevention, emerging issues impacting public health, and how changes in our health care systems impact these areas.